Getting down to business in Waitakere City

Waitakere City Council

Friday 13 March 2009, 2:17PM

By Waitakere City Council



People who live, work or do businesses in Waitakere are being asked to share their views on the city’s draft economic wellbeing strategy.

The consultation process provides an opportunity to provide feedback on the strategy and suggest alternative approaches to economic wellbeing issues.

The strategy focuses on key areas such as land and infrastructure development, business investment and support that will boost the local economy and create more jobs. It also seeks to enable better educational achievement and skills and to encourage visitors and talent to the city. It continues to build on Waitakere’s strengths in such industries as screen production and boatbuilding.

Waitakere Mayor Bob Harvey says: “In the 20 years of Waitakere City's existence we have sought to continually transform ourselves into a stronger and more resilient city. The economy and providing for local jobs has always been a priority. This economic strategy shows how our commitment to economic transformation will continue.

“We have had many major successes, with new infrastructure and industries, and new business areas are being planned in the north of the city. We need to continue building on these successes, so we want to hear from people at the coal-face, to make sure we are on the right track for the future.”

The council will be discussing key priorities of the strategy during March with representatives of the city’s business, community, government and education sectors.

However, comment on the strategy is invited from anyone living, working or running a business in Waitakere.

Feedback can be made in several ways:

Online at (go to ‘Have Your Say’).
By filling out the feedback form at Waitakere City Council (6 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson) or at a Waitakere library
By requesting an information pack and feedback form from the council’s 24-hour call centre on 839 0400 and mailing the form back to the council at Draft Waitakere Economic Wellbeing Strategy, Private Bag 93109, Henderson 0650.
By faxing the feedback form to the council on 09 836 8001.
By emailing feedback using the online form at

The consultation period for the draft Waitakere Economic Wellbeing Strategy closes on 3 April 2009.