Switch off for Earth Hour

Waitakere City Council

Thursday 19 March 2009, 2:02PM

By Waitakere City Council



Waitakere City Council is joining the global campaign highlighting climate change by switching off unnecessary lights in support of Earth Hour on March 28.

From 8.30pm, all non-essential lights at the council’s Waitakere Central offices and the Trading Place public car park building will be switched off for 60 minutes.

It’s an action that will be replicated by millions of people throughout the world as part of the second World Wildlife Fund Earth Hour event, which aims to highlight the need to take action on climate change.

Waitakere Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse is urging Waitakere residents to play their part in Earth Hour in their own way whether it’s turning off lights or enjoying a candlelit dinner or barbecue with family and friends.

“This is a simple and fun way to highlight what is an extremely serious issue,” says Cr Hulse.

“Waitakere has led the way with environmental initiatives and commitment to sustainability and I want to encourage all Waitakere residents to play their part in this worldwide event.”

The council is also encouraging local restaurants and café owners to use Earth Hour as a way to examine their own energy use and to make a change.

Ways they can conserve energy and save money include: organise a candlelit dinner for customers; changing lights in dining areas to enclosed compact fluorescent bulbs; installing motion sensors in toilets and store rooms to activate lights; checking fridges and freezers are sealed correctly; and insulating water pipes.

“Making a commitment to Earth Hour costs you nothing but a flick of a switch can make a big difference,” says Cr Hulse.

Pledge your support for Earth Hour by going to where you can also enter a draw to win a Toyota Prius.

What else is happening?
Ecobulb™ giveaway

In the week leading up to Earth Hour, Waitakere City Council is giving away 10,000 13-watt eco-bulbs™ donated by EnergyMad. It will also give away 1000 halogen downlights.

Giveaways will be at the following venues or groups:

Waitakere Libraries (all libraries, March 23 – 28, while stocks last)
Piha and Waiatarua libraries
Henderson Transport Interchange on the Link Bridge (4.00pm – 6.00pm on March 26 and 7.30am – 9.00am March 27)
EcoMatters Environment Trust
Project Twin Stream partner organisations
UNITEC Waitakere Campus March 23-27 in the library and at student services on March 27 between 10.00 -12.00 noon)
LynnMall on March 28.
Te Whanau O Waipariera Trust. Those working with family groups in the community will hand out the bulbs during their regular home visits during the week
Unitec library (all week) and at student services (March 27 10.00am -12.00pm) Henderson Campus