Turia Agrees that it is time to listen

Tariana Turia

Friday 20 March 2009, 2:48AM

By Tariana Turia


Associate Minister of Social Development and Employment, Tariana Turia, has today welcomed the invitation from the Principal’s Federation national president, Ernie Buutveld, that “in this economic crisis, we need to be careful and listen to the experts”.

The advice from the Principals Federation has come at the end of the two day behaviour summit in Wellington to address the increased number of violent incidents and perceived threats to staff and students in schools.

“Brian Donnelly once told me, that when he was the Principal of an Intermediate school, that when they made the decision to cease using the strap to punish children, the school undertook a complete transformation” said Mrs Turia.

“I remember how enthusiastic Brian was about the huge difference it made – it was easier for teachers to teach, and for students to respond to an environment which was about bringing out the best in our children”.

“At home, Castlecliff School has introduced an amazing programme which promotes ‘character and values’ as the basis for their school culture” said Mrs Turia. “The values were ones which emerged from hui with the community – and the school then developed a programme based on the values deemed the most meaningful to their families – values like integrity, determination, respect”.

“Respect is a big one – what does respect look like in the playground, on the sportsfield, in the classroom, with your peers, with an adult?” said Mrs Turia. “It’s a really exciting concept – the staff are committed to modelling these same values, and the whole school responds to the challenge of the ‘golden rule’ for the week”.

“We all need to come up with solutions which create an atmosphere of success and optimism” said Mrs Turia. “Let’s listen to our local experts, it will cost nothing and it may just save us later on”.

Castlecliff School is a decile one school in Whanganui which ERO has noted has introduced a values programme which “contributes to a nurturing, inclusive and positive school tone”. For details about the programme contact Principal Craig Sharp; 06-344 4537 or