Action needed on cigarette displays

Wednesday 25 March 2009, 11:05PM

By Iain Lees-Galloway



Today’s revelation that a 10-year-old working in a Hawkes Bay store sold cigarettes to other minors shows the urgent need to get cigarettes out of sight in shops, Labour Associate Health Spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway says.

“This shocking incident is symptomatic of the perception of acceptability that is created when cigarettes are displayed in stores alongside lollies and household staples such as bread and milk. We have to break that association,” Iain Lees-Galloway said.

“Changes to tobacco laws over two decades, such as the removal of tobacco advertising and the introduction of smokefree workplaces, restaurants and pubs, have done a good job of de-normalising tobacco use and reducing smoking rates in New Zealand.

“But the time has come to take the next step.

“It is not good enough that the National Government this year rejected recommendations from the Health select committee to introduce legislation removing cigarette displays.

“We need to finish what was started 20 years ago and remove tobacco displays from convenience stores.

“I have prepared a Member’s Bill to this effect which will be submitted at the next available ballot,” Iain Lees-Galloway said.