Have your say on Waitakere's 10 Year Plan

Waitakere City Council

Tuesday 31 March 2009, 10:56AM

By Waitakere City Council



Public submissions on Waitakere City Council’s draft 10 year plan open today, March 31.

The plan, also known as the Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP), sets out the council’s key priorities and projects over the next 10 years, and their estimated costs.

Best of the West – Waitakere’s Draft 10 Year Plan (2009/19) also identifies the main issues the community is encouraged to consider when making a submission, and asks specific questions on each of these.

The key issues are:

* the potential disposal of surplus land,
* the refurbishment of Wilsher Village – a housing for the older persons facility in Henderson,
* the council’s contribution to Rugby World Cup 2011,
* on-street paid parking,
* possible change to mobile library service,
* a plan to retrofit the city – insulating 20,000 homes by 2020 to ensure houses are warmer and dryer and provide an healthier environment for people.


There is also an overview of proposed changes to council fees and charges, and some financial policies.

The plan also covers key projects, strategies and priority areas such as New Lynn, Hobsonville and Massey North/Westgate, and the Ranui Implementation plan.

Long Term Council Community Plan and Annual Plan Committee chairperson Janet Clews says preparing the plan has been challenging.

“These are extraordinary economic times and we have taken a hard look at all council expenditure and cut back on non-essential spending, while still investing in the future growth and development of the city.”

“Given the uncertainties around the Royal Commission recommendations and process, it’s important that we continue to plan for and provide Waitakere’s core council services, as well as make progress on major urban development projects for the long term benefit of the people of Waitakere and the wider Auckland region,” says Cr Clews.

The plan also incorporates a draft budget for 2009/10 which shows an indicative rates rise of 2.98 percent (around $1 per week for the average residential property). This is well below the more than 7 percent which had been signalled in our previous annual plan.

Submissions close Friday, May 1 at 5pm.

Making a submission is easy.

* Go to to download a submission form or make a submission online.
* Use the reply paid submission form in the special edition of the council’s newsletter, Waitakere News, delivered later this week.


Want to know more?

Get a copy of the draft 10 year plan:

* At all Waitakere libraries and service centres and Citizen Advice Bureaux
* Online at
* By phoning the council’s 24-hour call centre on 839 0400.