Watercare To Be Regional Water Provider

Wednesday 8 April 2009, 12:42PM

By Rodney Hide


Minister of Local Government Rodney Hide today confirmed that the transition to the new structure will result in one regional water company for the Auckland region.

"The transition process will result in the new Auckland Council becoming the owner of Watercare Services Ltd, which will assume statutory responsibility for the delivery of integrated water and wastewater services in urban areas," Mr Hide said.

"This was recommended by the Royal Commission and the Government strongly concurred with this recommendation at the Cabinet meeting on Monday.

"The last remaining substantive decision regarding water and wastewater services provision is whether or not Watercare should also be given responsibility for dealing with regional stormwater. I expect a final decision from Cabinet on this matter before the end of the month.

"Watercare is a publicly-owned entity and our intention is that it will remain in public ownership under the umbrella of the new Auckland Council.

"A key driver for the Government's decisions was to ensure there was better management of regional assets for the Auckland region over the next 50 years," Mr Hide said.