Keep kids safe this winter, new nightwear fire hazard label

Wednesday 15 April 2009, 3:07PM

By Safekids New Zealand


Keep kids safe this winter, new nightwear fire hazard label
Keep kids safe this winter, new nightwear fire hazard label Credit: Safekids New Zealand

Safekids New Zealand and Plunket urge parents to learn the new fire hazard labelling on children’s garments before buying nightwear for kids this winter.

There are now three fire-risk labels for children’s nightwear, as approved by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs:

ü Orange Label. This new label means that the garment is made of a higher fire risk fabric and is designed to be worn snug-fitting to reduce the risk of the garment catching fire. Make sure garments with the orange label fit children snugly.

ü White Label. This label means that the garment is a lower fire risk. It is either made of fabric that burns more slowly, or that the garment is close fitting. Buy children’s night wear with the white label whenever possible.

ü Red Label. This label means that the garment is a higher fire risk. If you must use one, its better to use in summer than winter, as it is less likely to catch fire from a heater or fireplace.

“Burn injuries rank as New Zealand’s fifth most frequent cause of unintentional death to children, and every day a child is burned severely enough to be hospitalised,” said Ann Weaver, Director of Safekids.

“The good news is burns are preventable, and by gaining valuable knowledge, such as understanding fire-risk labels, you can prevent your children from suffering life-long, even fatal burns injuries,” Ann said.

“Low fire danger” doesn’t mean “No fire danger” Plunket’s National Child Safety Advisor Sue Campbell reminds parents. “Nightwear should be purchased the correct size for the child, not a size bigger for longer use. Snug-fitting, as the new label says, reduces the risk of nightwear catching fire” And remember the heater metre rule. “Keep any materials that can burn, including bedding, curtains, clothes and furniture, at least one metre from all heaters.”

Below are some more winter safety tips from Safekids and Plunket to help families to stay safe and warm this winter:
A fireguard will protect kids from heaters and the fireplace.
Keep candles, lighters and matches out of reach at all times.
Turn pot handles inwards and keep electric jug cords out of reach.
Never drink hot liquids while holding a child.
When warming your child’s bed with a hot water bottle, remove it before they go to bed.
Have working smoke alarms.