Fund supports community leisure projects

Waitakere City Council

Friday 17 April 2009, 5:05PM

By Waitakere City Council



An upgraded auditorium at Green Bay High School is a step closer thanks to a $160,000 grant from Waitakere City Council.

The project was one of three to receive money from the council’s Leisure Facility Partnership Fund (2008/09) with Marina View Primary School receiving $120,000 for a new gymnasium and $48,000 to Waitakere College for installation of floodlights at a training facility.

All three applicants had previously received support from the fund to the tune of $250,000 but due to circumstances beyond their control, all faced a funding shortfall that was delaying the project.

In 2008/2009 the fund had $528,000 available but only one applicant, Sunnyvale Primary School which received $200,000, satisfactorily met the criteria.

The council’s Culture and Community Committee agreed that rather than carrying the $328,000 balance forward or using it as savings, it would grant the funds to existing fund projects to ensure they could progress.

“For a relatively small injection of money by the council, the applicant achieves a facility that the whole community can use,” says committee chairperson Judy Lawley.

“In this partnership scheme the council supports organisations to develop top facilities – through the design and construction process to the continuing operations and ensuring the community has good access.”

Applicants have to fund the majority of the projects themselves, either from their own coffers or from external charitable trusts.

This latest cash injection is expected to allow construction on all three projects to begin later this year.