Water ambassadors club proving popular

Waitakere City Council

Monday 20 April 2009, 2:30PM

By Waitakere City Council


Water ambassadors club proving popular
Water ambassadors club proving popular Credit: Waitakere City Council
Water ambassadors club proving popular
Water ambassadors club proving popular Credit: Waitakere City Council


Waitakere’s new Water Ambassadors Kids Club is making a big splash with more than 220 youngsters already signed up.

Launched by Waitakere City Council last month, the club is aimed at environmentally-minded five to 10 year-olds interested in preserving the precious water resource many of us take for granted.

A group of the new ambassadors recently joined Waitakere City councillor Linda Cooper and the council’s deputy director of city services, Tony Miguel, for afternoon tea to recognise their inclusion in the club. The children also provided input into future club content.

“It’s great to see such a positive response to the club,” says Cr Cooper.

“By appreciating our natural resources these young people will become powerful advocates, and are encouraged to share their sustainability enthusiasm with their peers and parents.”

Rather than being simply an environmental site, the Water Ambassadors Kids Club encourages feedback and participation from members on matters relating to water demand management. It also operates as a true club where members will have opportunities throughout the year to physically meet each other and interact.

Becoming a water ambassador is easy. Just go to and register.

New members receive a welcome pack full of information they need to encourage them, their family and peers to become more water-efficient.

The site also features club updates, news, activities and competitions as well as information on local events with a water focus that will be fun for all the family.

CAPTION: Waitakere City Council deputy director of city services, Tony Miguel and Councillor Linda Cooper with some of Waitakere’s new Water Ambassadors Kids Club members.