Suspended cage-man about to come back to earth

Tuesday 21 April 2009, 7:48AM

By Problem Gambling Foundation



Mad Al Galpin is aiming to go 21 days suspended in a cage from an Auckland Cranes truck-crane at Rainbow's End, New Zealand. He will return to earth at 12 noon Wednesday (NZ Time) and leave his Portacom "portable toilet" home.

While he's been up there, Alastair has completed 85 qualifying radio interviews for a Record Holders' Republic World Record. He is aiming to reach 100 by high noon Wednesday.

Alastair says the interest, both in New Zealand and overseas, in problem gambling issues indicates a growing commitment to doing something about these issues.

While the weather has been mainly good during his hanging about, the forecast between now and Wednesday is for rain, wind and thunderstorms. Enduring the discomfort and alarm of that will be the last hurdle for Mad Al.

What's the first thing he's going to do with his returned freedom? More on that later.

For an interview - contact Alastair Galpin
Auckland Cranes Hanging Toilet
Rainbow's End, Auckland

+64 21 029 641 07
+64 27 225 2224

PGFNZ Contact-Graham Aitken
Problem Gambling Foundation
+64 21 728 125

Some facts

Number days aimed for - 21
Height of cage floor above the ground - 18 metres
Number of trained volunteer crane drivers required to keep 24/7 driver in attendance - 10
Number of separate shifts of crane drivers - 67


Auckland Cranes
Rainbow's End, New Zealand
The Problem Gambling Foundation of New Zealand
Bunnings Warehouse
Doug Armstrong (Motor Home)
Icon Group Security
Manukau Medical Associates
Marlin Marine
Marvel Distributors
New Zealand Met Service
New Zealand Two Way Radio
Organic World
Output Images
Safety Pro
The Warehouse