Drought conditions trigger Government action

Tuesday 21 April 2009, 7:50AM

By David Carter



The Government is taking action to help farmers in parts of the Gisborne and Wairoa districts who are now into their third autumn drought.
Despite rain falling in the region today, Agriculture Minister David Carter is meeting with the Gisborne/Wairoa Drought Committee which has declared the region a drought area.

This has led to the Government triggering relief measures to help local farming communities cope with the dry conditions.

"East Coast farmers are bearing the brunt of three years of extreme weather. While rain this week will be welcome, it will not be enough to alleviate the dry conditions. The Government knows this is putting severe pressure on rural communities and that they need help to get through this," says Mr Carter.

Government assistance for drought affected farmers includes provision of tax assistance measures, funding for farm management advice and funding for Rural Support Trusts to provide help.

"Farming communities are the lifeblood of provincial New Zealand and the Government is fully committed to providing farmers in the East Coast region with the support they need.

"The effects of a drought are very real. I know this as a farmer myself. I encourage those who are finding conditions tough to seek advice on making good planning and management decisions.

"I can assure Gisborne and Wairoa districts that the Government, sector groups, local government and farm consultants are all working closely together to help farming families through this," says Mr Carter.

Note: Farm management advice and assistance to rural communities is provided by 14 Rural Support Trusts around New Zealand.

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