Committee Declares Drought as Dry Cold Winter Predicted

Friday 24 April 2009, 11:59AM

By Hawke's Bay Regional Council



Ground moisture levels are dire, grass growth is minimal but most of all Hawke’s Bay farmers are suffering the financial pressure of three droughts in a row.

The Drought Committee, a group of rural leaders from throughout Hawke’s Bay, gathered at Hastings District Council to discuss the state of the region’s farming community last night.

They declared a drought and will now go to the Minister of Agriculture to discuss the need for financial assistance packages, help with farm management strategies and support people for stressed farmers.
Light rain over the last week has done little to spark bare pastures into life as temperatures drop and pasture covers are at low levels going into winter.

Although stock prices are relatively high and there is more supplementary feed available than last year, three bad summers in a row have left farmers with low stock levels and sometimes crippling debt.

Drought Committee chairman and Mayor Lawrence Yule says even if Hawke’s Bay does get consistent rain now most farmers will have to manage feed and their finances very carefully to get through winter.

“In the last few weeks farmers have been asking for a drought to be declared, they want recognition that things are tough,” Mr Yule says.

“It’s frustrating for those who are facing high stock prices but they’ve got nothing left to sell.”

“Declaring a drought means we can apply for Government assistance and recovery facilitators who can support farmers. We can also provide information on farm management and try to raise morale throughout the community.”

When the group met in December predictions of a wet February saw the group hold off from declaring a drought. However, that wet spell was light and short lived and now farmers are facing winter without grass cover.

“It’s like we’ve had two droughts in one summer,” Mr Yule says.