Warning To Insulate Indoor Grow Rooms

Saturday 25 April 2009, 4:03PM




Some officious nitwit in the Christchurch City Council has made a proposal to put an infra red camera on an aircraft to "take a photograph of Christchurch and identify homes with particularly poor insulation, so householders can be given insulation advice." Press 7/04/09.

Besides being a gross invasion of privacy it is also a waste of money that will not give a true picture of peoples energy footprint.

There are so many varying factors as in what time, what season, who was home, did they have their curtains drawn, heaters on, how much carpet, how much spent on gadgets etc. etc. But more insidiuos is the fact that these images will be made available to the public and the police have expressed interest also. "

Christchurch drug squad officers hope to use the map to look for hot houses - one of the tell-tail signs that lamps are being used in an attic for cannabis cultivation." Press 17/04/09.

The ALCP would like to take this opportunity to advise anyone growing indoorsto make sure their grow area is well insulated so as to avoid detection. Some of the advise we have been given is to use polystyrene blocks, sheepskin off cuts, lead, layers of wool blankets, and pink batts. If anyone out there has some other advise that is effective please send us your information.

The grows that are most at risk are the ones in garages and in attics of houses. The ones inside the home have some protection as being part of your normal household emissions and being covered by your normal home insulation.

This is a serious situation that could reduce supply as well as harm people by getting them busted. So Insulate and disguise your grow.

ALCP Executive.