West Coast District Health Board places four passengers on flight with Rangitoto students under quarantine

Tuesday 28 April 2009, 2:21AM

By West Coast District Health Board



Health authorities on the West Coast are taking the possible arrival in New Zealand of a new strain of influenza seriously. The new variant of swine influenza (a type of influenza A, H1N1) originated in Mexico.

Community and Public Health, who provide public health services on the West Coast, are leading the response to this along with the West Coast District Health Board.

Pandemic influenza plans have been activated to a level advised by the Ministry of Health which includes advising and preparing all staff, services and service providers for a higher level of response, should it be required.

Community and Public Health are aware of four passengers from the West Coast who were on flight NZ1 on Saturday 25 April, the same flight as the party from Rangitoto College. These passengers are currently in voluntary home quarantine and are being offered tamiflu as prophylaxis.

Members of the public who may have visited Mexico or the United States in the last two weeks and who are feeling unwell should phone their General Practice or health clinic in the first instance.

Bryan Jamieson
Community Liaison Officer
West Coast DHB
PO Box 387
Greymouth 7840
Phone: (03) 769-0499, Extn 2665#
Mobile: 027 245-9595
Email: bryan.jamieson at