Waitakere Maori to host regional hui on Auckland governance
Te Taumata Runanga, Waitakere City Council’s Maori advisory committee, will host a regional hui on Auckland governance issues on May 18.
Te Taumata Runanga chairman Warahi Paki says it is vital for Maori involved in local government across the region to combine their voices and perspectives ahead of the select committee process.
“Maori are united in wanting changes to the Government’s model. We feel strongly about having elected representation in our region,” he said.
“Without specific seats it will be extremely difficult for Maori perspectives to be heard by the new council and for Maori needs to be taken into account across the region – and we demand that this is addressed.
“Over the past 17 years in Waitakere, we have built up a solid working relationship with our council that has real benefits for our people in regards to social, environmental, economic and cultural wellbeing. It’s devastating to think that such progress and mutual respect could be lost under the new regime.”
Mr Paki says his committee - which is made up of iwi, pan-tribal and other representative groups - will be writing to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Local Government and the Minister of Maori Affairs to request their attendance at the hui.
Mr Paki says that like Waitakere City Council, Te Taumata Runanga supports the retention of the Royal Commission’s recommended six-local council model with three Maori seats on the larger Auckland Council. It also recommends the establishment of a Maori advisory committee to the new Auckland Council with meaningful decision-making authorities.