Feedback wanted on Pomaria and Rathgar roads cycle plan
Public feedback is sought on plans to create cycle lanes on two city streets as Waitakere City Council moves ahead to provide more sustainable travel options for residents.
Council is proposing to install on-road cycle lanes along the length of Rathgar Road and Pomaria Road. The proposal will see some road widening that retains as much car parking as possible.
“These projects will create a much safer route for cyclists. Cycle lanes improve visibility for riders and help improve motorists’ awareness of cyclists,” says Councillor Linda Cooper.
A recent survey conducted at the intersection of Rathgar and Pomaria Roads during peak travelling times counted 85 cyclists. In the last five years 12 crashes involving pedestrians and cyclists have occurred on these two roads.
“The council’s vision for transport in Waitakere is to have a sustainable transport multi-use system that contributes to our eco city ideals and encourages people travelling in single occupancy vehicles to consider alternatives - such as cycling, walking and taking public transport,” says Cr Cooper.
By providing safer passage for cyclists through designated cycle lanes, she says parents of local school students can encourage their children to ride to school rather than driving them, taking more cars off the road and reducing the need for car parks.
Some on-street parking will be affected as a result of the work, with 48 parks retained on Pomaria Rd and 17 removed. On Rathgar Road 72 parks will remain and around 70 removed.
Existing recessed parking bays on both sides of Pomaria Rd and on street parking on the south side of the road will be retained, as will angle and parallel car parks outside Rathgar Road shops.
The council is spending $16 million over the next 10 years developing 48 kilometres of cycleways, to create an integrated, citywide network. It will also include the off-road cycle and walkways already established by Project Twin Streams alongside Waitakere’s beautiful waterways.
Once completed, Waitakere cycleways will form part of the Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA) regional cycleway network.
Public feedback closes on 5 June 2005.
More information, concept designs and how to provide feedback are available on the council’s website, , keyword, cycle projects.