Waitakere awards Creative Communities

Waitakere City Council

Thursday 14 May 2009, 12:51PM

By Waitakere City Council



Waitakere awards Creative Communities

Opportunities for at-risk youth to record their own music and an anthology of hand printed poems are among projects allocated money in first round of Creative Communities Scheme in 2009.

Waitakere City Council, which disburses grants of up to $5000 to individuals and organisations on behalf of Creative New Zealand, made 23 grants totalling $49,333.24 to projects which meet the scheme’s criteria to increase participation in the arts at a local level, and increase the diversity of arts available.

There were 46 applications received for this round with the 45 eligible groups requesting funds totalling $147,059.98.

Successful recipients cover a wide range of genres from kapa häka groups and youth band competition organisers to community visual art groups.

“It’s exciting to see the range of projects some of these recipients are planning and with limited funds it’s always a hard task to make the final decisions,” says chair of the council’s Creative Communities Scheme Allocation Sub-Committee, Councillor Assid Corban.

He says Creative New Zealand has increased the allocation to Waitakere to reflect the current census figures for the city.

“Waitakere and its residents will be the benefactors of the creatively talented people who live here.”

There are two funding rounds each year with Waitakere increasing its grant to $110,000 allocated to disburse for 2009/10.

Recipients of funding for the first round of 2009 were:


    Applicant Funds Allocated
    Primal Youth Trust $2,000
    Violence Free Waitakere $3,000
    Waitakere Ranges Protection Society $3,183.24
    McLaren Park & Henderson South Community Initiative $2,500
    Hosanna Creative Arts $1,800
    Integrated Neurological Rehabilitation Foundation $2,000
    Holy Cross Samoan Parent Support Group $1,700
    N Z Society Of Authors $2,500
    M Endt $2,000
    Te Atatu Village Kindergarten 1,000
    Croatian Cultural Society Inc 2,500
    B Serjeant 2,000
    Marina View Primary School 2,500
    N Gunawardana 1,000
    Sunderland College 2,000
    Massey Rugby Union Football Club 1,000
    Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Te Kotuku Inc 2,500
    Aotearoa Young Peoples Theatre Trust 1,800
    West Coast Community Arts Trust 3,000
    Titirangi Community Arts Council 1,350
    Audio Cafe Limited 2,500
    Henderson Valley School 3,000
    Titirangi Folk Music Club 2,500
    TOTAL: $49,333.24

To find out more about Creative Communities phone the council’s 24-hour call centre on 839 0400.