Mystics Well Beaten By Magic

Wednesday 20 May 2009, 7:39AM

By Dave Worsley



The LG Mystics came out defeated in their latest battle in the ANZ Championship as the clash with the Waikato/Bay of Plenty Magic in Rotorua on Monday night became literally a war on the court with numerous players suffering bruising on both team with a little blood thrown in too.

The Magic kept second spot on the table and were happy with the 50-35 win in what was a scrappy match all around.

There was little either coach could take out of this match as it failed to reach any great heights with mistakes and turnovers followed by some good effort, then a lapse in concentration.

As per usual Irene van Dyk, Laura Langman and Casey Williams were the cornerstones to the Magic performance while the Mystics suffered the same problems that have plagued them all season as they failed to capitalise on their opportunities.

Unbeaten at home this season, Magic coach Noeline Taurua took no chances when naming a full-strength line-up while her opposite Te Aroha Keenan continued to mix up her options.

Imposing defender Vilimaina Davu returned to the Mystics starting line-up while Temepara George slotted into wing attack.

The Magic did not have things all their own way but the accuracy of van Dyk and Maria Tutaia in circle meant the home team always had their noses in front.

The Mystics could not deliver on their turnover ball as play often broke down before the ball reached the circle and when it did, they were let down by inaccurate shooting under the ever-present threat posed by intercept supremeo Williams. It left the Magic comfortably placed 13-8 at the first break.

It was a more purposeful Mystics team who fronted up in the second quarter, the combined dynamism of George and England import Pamela Cookey, both on attack and defence, providing a spirited fightback.

With both teams showing little structure and guilty of throwing possession away, it was left to the long reach of Williams to keep to the Magic on the front foot as she kept up her high standard of play this year as the game developed into a contest featuring plenty of niggle.

The Magic were in the box seat at halftime with a 25-19 lead which they continued to push the score out in an error-riddled third quarter. There was little to enthuse about the play from either side as the match continued to deteriorate as a spectacle.

Van Dyk suffered a buffeting from old rival Davu in a bruising encounter but the odd flurry of positive play propelled the Magic to a 39-36 three-quarter time advantage.

Wholesale changes for the final quarter did little to improve the Mystics' fortunes with almost all of the team gaining time on the court. The best part of the game for the LG Mystics was the battle in the mid court where Temepara George and Joeline Henry and then Laura Langman went head-to-head in an enthralling contest.

The LG Mystics have a bye this weekend.