Police Association welcomes Taser funding

Friday 22 May 2009, 5:03PM

By New Zealand Police Association


Confirmation today of funding to complete a rollout of Tasers to all Police Districts is welcome news, Police Association Vice-President Stuart Mills said today.

“The increasing violence faced by police officers on a daily basis is beyond dispute. Tasers give officers an effective means to protect themselves, and the public they serve, without being forced to resort to lethal force,” Mr Mills said.

“There is no doubt Tasers will save lives and prevent serious injuries – not only of officers and members of public, but also of offenders.”

Mr Mills noted the announcement did not mean Tasers would be immediately available to all frontline officers.

“With 86% of frontline General Duties officers attacked by an offender last year, and 33% injured, in an ideal world, every officer would have a Taser available tomorrow. But we accept the reality is it will take time to issue the devices and train staff to use them safely and effectively.

“The unpredictable nature of policing means even a seemingly routine contact can suddenly develop into a life-threatening situation. That’s why the Police Association has maintained throughout that all frontline officers should ultimately be issued with Tasers.

“Today’s announcement is a very positive and welcome step towards that goal,” Mr Mills said.