New money to help unpaid carers

Tariana Turia

Saturday 30 May 2009, 8:58AM

By Tariana Turia


Tariana Turia is pleased that $370,000 has been allocated to help many people who care for their whanau and friends without payment.

"The new money is a reflection of our commitment to whanau ora - to thousands of unsung heroes who don't get appropriate recognition for caring for their friends or relatives who need help."

"Carers want to know more about what type of support and assistance is available from Government and non-Government agencies and this new money will help them get their answers," Mrs Turia said.

"It was the previous government that identified the need to circulate more information to carers, but failed to put aside any funding to do so!"

"We are pleased to be able to respond to the call from carers, to actually back up the strategy with some tangible support."

The $370,000 would be allocated over four years beginning 2009/2010 to produce an information pack that would be sent to 20,000 carers.

The pack would initially be distributed in 2009 and there will be ongoing maintenance of the information, reprinting and redistribution. Websites will also be maintained.