Minister steps forward for health

Tariana Turia

Friday 5 June 2009, 9:31AM

By Tariana Turia



Tariana Turia, Associate Minister for Health, demonstrated the benefits of walking yesterday, by taking a break in her busy work load and going on a lunchtime walk with members of Living Streets Wellington. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for exploring the green spaces and fascinating footways of Wellington.


Living Streets Wellington have produced some pocket maps of revitalizing lunchtime walks for workers in the CBD. The maps show great places to walk and with interesting routes to encourage office bound workers to explore the city and get some fresh air. They are free for anyone who is interested and also for organisations or companies, wanting to encourage healthy staff.


Walking in your lunch break is a great way of incorporating exercise into a busy day and has many health benefits. Not only can it help with weight loss and increase energy levels, but it can reduce stress levels and clear the mind, great for planning the afternoon ahead. Tariana, who has asthma and diabetes, recognises that walking is great way to control both these and other health issues. “I got a bit puffed out in places, but very much enjoyed my walk. Today has reminded me how important it is to get some exercise into your day. I will definitely be walking more often and encouraging others to do so”


There are leaflets for three different city locations, each one showing five walks, that can be completed in under an hour. Starting points are at Parliament, the Old Bank Building and Waitangi Park. Some of the walks incorporate green spaces or parks, whilst others go down interesting and little known side streets, or take in some fantastic harbour views. The routes can be mixed and matched, so are easily shortened, lengthened or changed to fit around busy office schedules.


To get hold of some copies or for more information, please contact Janet Lawson on 385 8280 or,nz




This event was co-ordinated by Living Streets Wellington, a branch of Living Streets Aotearoa.


Living Streets visions is More people choosing to walk more often.

Living Streets Aotearoa is New Zealand’s national walking organisation, established in 1998, and incorporated in 2002. Living Streets works to develop walking-friendly communities throughout New Zealand and to promote the social, environmental, health and economic benefits of walking as a means of transport and recreation.

Living Streets exists because the diverse needs and aspirations of people on foot are often overlooked. Walking is not consistently or fully integrated into decision-making in transport, urban design, public health and community development planning.


Living Streets has taken up the challenge to address these issues, by working with communities, and public and private sector agencies at all levels to provide education, practical advice and expertise. Through these activities Living Streets aims to help shape policy and infrastructure to support pedestrians and walkers, and to encourage more people to get out and about on foot more often. We emphasise the relationship between walking and access to public transport.