Red hot demand for green advice

Waitakere City Council

Friday 19 June 2009, 4:41PM

By Waitakere City Council



Waitakere’s Sustainable Home Guidelines are proving to be a massive hit – literally.

Internet traffic to the council’s website section on sustainable homes and living shows a phenomenal appetite for information on green, efficient living.

Each day the Sustainable Home Guidelines are read by 120 people – who seek information on issues ranging from efficiently using appliances, to designing your house to gain maximum solar benefit, to running an efficient composting system.
In the 10 months to May this year, more than 15,000 people downloaded practical and free advice on home insulation.
"People are clearly understanding that building a more sustainable home or retrofitting their existing home will save them money in the long run as well saving the environment", says Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse.

To access the Sustainable Home Guidelines just visit and enter “sustainable home guidelines” into the search engine.

The guidelines – which have been revised this year to incorporate the latest research on building science and updated utility prices and charges – is presented in a jargon-free, public-friendly style ensuring everyone can utilise the information.
The guidelines are also available in book form from the council for $35.

The Waitakere City Council also offers an Eco Design Advisor service.

This free and independent service provides home owners with tailored, face-to face, practical advice on designing or renovating their homes to be more comfortable, healthier, cheaper to run, and kinder to the planet.

Just contact the council’s 24-hour call centre, 839 0400 and ask to speak to the Eco Design Advisor.