Novel Influenza A H1N1 Ministerial Statement

Tariana Turia

Tuesday 23 June 2009, 3:41PM

By Tariana Turia


The Maori Party stands in support of the Minister of Health, in his statement bringing attention to the need for caution and collective care, in our response to any influenza-like illness.

We endorse the comments of the Minister that this is a time when we all must take full responsibility to ensure the people are informed as to the symptoms and the risk factors associated with the disease.

We have a particular concern as it relates to Maori.

We know from accumulated research that Maori already experience higher rates of illness from respiratory conditions.

On top of that, all the evidence points to the fact that socio-economic deprivation increases the likelihood of poor outcomes in respiratory disease. When over 56% of Mori are located in the three most deprived socio-economic deciles, it makes for particular concern that we must be vigilant in our care of each other.

And so the Maori Party believes that it is critical that we all step up to the mark, in respect of taking care of each other and taking preventative care for our whanau.

All that the current situation does for us is to give us even more reason, to take those precautions which are essential towards maintaining good health.

We must be alert to the vulnerability of our neighbours, our whanau and our communities.

This is about taking a common sense approach – staying home when sick – and protecting the life around us.

I’d like to commend the Labour Government for putting the pandemic programme in place and I’d like to thank the Minister for ensuring that everyone is kept informed, as well as the public.