Swine warning for Maori with breathing problems

Tariana Turia

Tuesday 23 June 2009, 6:16PM

By Tariana Turia


 Tariana Turia, the minister responsible for Maori health, is calling for Maori people with respiratory problems to take extra caution to prevent getting Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu.

"Health officials have advised me that people with respiratory problems are likely to suffer more than those who don't have breathing difficulties if they get the swine flu," Mrs Turia said.

"It is commonly known that asthma disproportionately affects Maori and lower socio-economic groups, and therefore our people need to take even more caution and be particularly vigilant with our babies and children who are asthmatic.

"There is no need for alarm, but there's a need to prepare to manage this influenza in our communities which is likely to continue to rise over the coming months."

Mrs Turia said in practical terms this could include immediately seeking medical help if experiencing shortness of breath or flu-like symptoms, covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, washing and drying hands frequently and cleaning hard surfaces like door handles frequently.

There are currently 303 confirmed cases of swine flu in New Zealand, most of which have rapidly increased over the past week since community spread was identified.

General information on the signs and symptoms of the new influenza, and advice on limiting the spread of infection and how to care for yourself at home are available on the Ministry of Health website ( Health information and advice can also be accessed through Healthline 0800 611 116.