Technology takes traditional Maori Performing Arts to the world

Friday 3 July 2009, 11:52AM

By Te Papa



Using the power of TelstraClear’s Next IP Network, around 300 senior Mori performing artists will get to perform in front of a worldwide audience on the weekend of 11 and 12 July 2009. Kaumtua Kapa Haka is one of the highlights of Te Papa’s Matariki Festival, and for the first time, it will be webcast live online at

Events Producer Mere Boynton says the webcast gives everyone with broadband access the chance to enjoy this rare occasion.

“Friends and whnau, from the comfort of their own home, will be able to check out their kuia or koro at the same time as they perform at Te Papa in Wellington, whether they are in Wanganui or Washington D.C.

“It’s wonderful that we are able to bring the talents of our fabulous kaumtua to a worldwide audience,” says Mere.

Many of the performers gathering at Te Papa for Kaumtua Kapa Haka have been learning Mori performing arts since they were young children and the oldest member amongst the groups is 93 years old.

Mere says “These elders will take you on a journey back in time performing well-known waiata by famous composers of their era, such as Sir Apirana Ngata and Tuini Ngawai, who created many of the classic songs we sing today.”

Eight groups from Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Waikato, Gisborne, Hawkes Bay, Wairarapa, Taranaki, and Wellington will perform at Te Papa on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 July 2009. For more details go to

Kaumtua Kapa Haka is proudly supported by TelstraClear and New Zealand Post.