Latest poll supports Waitakere City submissions

Waitakere City Council

Monday 13 July 2009, 9:42AM

By Waitakere City Council




A just-released survey of its residents supports Waitakere City Council’s submission to the select committee looking at governance changes in Auckland.


The Council will appear in front of the select committee this week. Today it released a telephone poll of 400 people aged 18 and over.

The results show a massive 86 percent of Waitakere residents want the proposed ‘local boards’, which will replace the region’s councils, to be able to make key decisions and receive funding to implement them.

The bill which is being deliberated on by the select committee currently restricts the powers and functions of the local boards.

“The fact is that 20 to 30 powerless little boards won’t work, will be expensive to run and will not deliver democracy or better services than the model we have proposed,” says Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse.

“They need real grunt to continue the good community work of the current local councils.”

"We can only hope that the select committee listens to the logic of the arguments we are putting forward and takes account of the huge weight of public opinion,” she says.

Waitakere’s submission also urges that all Auckland Council members should be elected from wards and there should be no 'at large' representation other than the Mayor. Respondents in the survey agree, with 78 percent wanting the ward-based system introduced.

On the issue of Maori seats on the new Auckland Council there was almost an even split: 42 percent support the idea with 44 percent opposed. A further 14 percent had no opinion.

The poll was conducted by Phoenix Research.


For further information: Penny Hulse (021 273 4663)

Editor’s note

Main points of Waitakere’s submission:

  • All Auckland Council members should be elected from wards (there should be no 'at large' representation other than the Mayor)
  • There should be six wards for the election of 20 councillors, with each ward electing a number of councillors that is proportional to the population within the ward
  • The mayor, and all Auckland Council and local board members, should be elected for a four-year term using the STV voting system
  • Maori representation on the Auckland Council and throughout local government in New Zealand is supported, with the method and level to be determined by the Government
  • Local boards should be renamed ‘Community Councils’ and be empowered to make decisions on local issues
  • The legislation should ensure that sufficient funding and resources are provided to the Community Councils (local boards) by the Auckland Council
  • The number of Community Councils should be between 12 and 20.



Waitakere City Council Survey III on Auckland Governance

July 2009

Topline results

A telephone survey of a random sample of 400 Waitakere City residents aged 18 and over, conducted between 4 and 6 July 2009.

Technical note: Data are weighted by sex and age to ensure even representation of these groups.


Q1) As you may have heard, in October next year, the government will combine the seven current city and district councils in the Auckland region, and the regional council, in to one new Auckland Council, or ‘Super City’. From what you have read, seen or heard, how in favour or opposed are you to the formation of the one Auckland Council?

  Count Column N %
Attitude to Super City Strongly in favour 36 9.0%
In favour 101 25.3%
Opposed 113 28.3%
Strongly opposed 78 19.4%
No opinion 72 18.0%
Total 400 100.0%
Attitude to Super City Strongly in favour/ In favour 137 34.3%
Strongly opposed/ opposed 191 47.7%
No opinion 72 18.0%

Previous Results (April 2009)


Number of respondents 401
In favour 34%
Not in favour 47%
No opinion 15%
Not sure/don't know 4%
TOTAL 100%



Q2) Various views have been expressed by people regarding the Auckland Super City. As I read out the following statements, please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree, or have no opinion.

  Count Column N %
The new Auckland Council should focus on making decisions that affect the whole region. Strongly agree 135 33.7%
Agree 160 40.1%
Disagree 40 10.0%
Strongly disagree 25 6.2%
No opinion 41 10.1%
Total 400 100.0%
Focus on regional decisions Agree/ Strongly Agree 295 73.7%
Disagree/ Strongly Disagree 65 16.1%
No opinion 41 10.1%

  Count Column N %
The proposed local boards should be able to make decisions that affect the local area, and receive funding for this. Strongly agree 179 44.8%
Agree 165 41.3%
Disagree 24 5.9%
Strongly disagree 9 2.4%
No opinion 23 5.7%
Total 400 100.0%
Local boards for local decision Agree/ Strongly Agree 344 86.0%
Disagree/ Strongly Disagree 33 8.3%
No opinion 23 5.7%




  Count Column N %
All of the councillors on the new Auckland Council should be elected by people in their local area (that is by Ward ) rather than elected by people across the whole region (that is At Large ) Strongly agree 177 44.3%
Agree 134 33.5%
Disagree 34 8.4%
Strongly disagree 21 5.1%
No opinion 34 8.6%
Total 400 100.0%
Ward rather than At Large Agree/ Strongly Agree 312 77.8%
Disagree/ Strongly Disagree 54 13.6%
No opinion 34 8.6%

  Count Column N %
There should be Maori seats on the Auckland Council in addition to the 20 councillors already proposed. Strongly agree 78 19.6%
Agree 90 22.4%
Disagree 86 21.4%
Strongly disagree 91 22.6%
No opinion 56 14.0%
Total 400 100.0%
Maori Seats Agree/ Strongly Agree 168 42.0%
Disagree/ Strongly Disagree 176 44.0%
No opinion 56 14.0%



Sample Description

  Raw Number Unweighted




Male 188 47.0 47.7
Female 212 53.0 52.3
Total 400 100.0 100.0

  Raw Number Unweighted




18 to 29 years 57 14.3 22.3
30 to 44 years 132 33.0 34.5
45 to 59 years 106 26.5 25.0
60 years or over 105 26.3 18.2
Total 400 100.0 100.0