Songwriters Encouraged by Government Copyright Proposal

Wednesday 15 July 2009, 7:56PM



APRA, the Australasian Performing Right Association, representing over 7000 New Zealand songwriters and music publishers is encouraged by the Government’s efforts to stem online copyright infringement and encourage a digital economy for content creators.

Yesterday the Government announced a fresh alternative to the former S92A which proved controversial in the internet community and to ISPs. The proposed process reinforces the role ISPs will play in return for the enormous volume of copyright material communicated via their networks through illegal file sharing and bit torrent websites.

“Songwriters want their music heard by as wide an audience as possible. At the same time though they are entitled to some control over their music and they deserve to be paid for it where they want. The law clearly supports this position and creators and artists should have the ability to stand up for those rights where appropriate” says Anthony Healey, APRA’s Director of NZ Operations.

“With the right balance between access and artists being paid we see these proposed provisions as positive and reasonable steps towards sustainable digital business models in the future. We look forward to working with government and ISPs.”

Music writer and APRA Board member Arthur Baysting adds “Songwriters and performers will be pleased that the Government is making positive moves to protect their future income.”


About APRA: The Australasian Performing Right Association (APRA) collects and distributes licence fees for the public performance and communication (including broadcast) of its members’ musical works. Public performances of music include music used in pubs, clubs, fitness centres, shops, cinemas, festivals, whether performed live, on CDs or played on the radio or television. Communication of music covers music used for music on hold, music accessed over the internet or used by television or radio broadcasters.