Support from Port for local junior rugby
Sunday 19 July 2009, 5:28PM
By Lyttelton Port of Christchurch
The Lyttelton Port of Christchurch (LPC) is getting behind local junior rugby by becoming the major sponsor of the Lyttelton Rugby Club’s junior teams.
LPC has been a sponsor of the senior team for the past three years and Chief Executive Peter Davie says the company is now pleased to be able to support the junior teams.
“The Lyttelton Port of Christchurch is committed to supporting activities which bring the local community together,” he says. “The rugby club not only provides a chance to foster the talent of these young players, but provides them with opportunities to extend themselves and develop teamwork skills.
“We are excited to be involved with the club and will watch with interest as Lyttelton’s stars of the future begin to prosper,” he added.
The Lyttelton Rugby Club has 97 registered junior players playing across six junior teams, including U11s, U12s and U13s. The club’s reach extends from Lyttelton to its surrounding areas, including Diamond Harbour and Heathcote.
Lyttelton Rugby Club committee member Jan Paterson says they are grateful for the support from the Lyttelton Port of Christchurch.
“The support we receive from the Lyttelton Port of Christchurch is invaluable to our club,” she says. “Clubs like ours rely on the support of community members and local businesses to help provide the facilities required for young players to thrive.
“This sponsorship will help us with the general running of the club as well as a number of upcoming activities including junior discos, a junior trip to a Air New Zealand Cup game, and preparation for the annual U12s’ trip to
Titahi Bay in September,” she added.
The Lyttelton Rugby Club is also one of the few remaining clubs to issue every junior player with a ball.
The Club will hold a Club Day on 18th July, featuring several home games and hoping to sign up new players and supporters.