Turia announces interns for community groups

Tariana Turia

Friday 24 July 2009, 9:33AM

By Tariana Turia


Tariana Turia is pleased to announce that $420,000 has been allocated to community organisations so they can employ skilled interns from the government, private and community sectors.

The successful applicants of the 2008/09 funding round for the Community Internship Programme has given 17 non-profit and grassroots organisations throughout the country the ability to engage skilled professionals as interns for three to six months - and therefore, improve understanding and collaboration among the three sectors.

"All these interns have valuable connections, aptitudes and knowledge and I'm sure there will be positive spin-offs for both the interns and ‘home' organisations as they gain access to new networks and a broader knowledge base," Mrs Turia said.

"It's also great to know that applicants can choose not only the skills they are looking for but also the person."

The minister encouraged other community organisations needing help to develop and grow to apply for the programme in the 2009/10 funding round which closes on September 14.

About 50 per cent of the approved internships are public servants in central and local government. The core work of the various community organisations which received funding for the interns included environmental, cultural, mental health, social services and education.

A complete list of successful applicants to the 2008/09 funding round and more information about the programme is available at