2degrees launches August 5th. Everything else to be announced the day before.

Tuesday 28 July 2009, 5:13PM

By Benedict James Wee


Credit: Twitter

Highly anticipated telco -2degrees- has just announced on twitter that they will be launching their network on the 5th of August. However, information on the price plans, mobile handsets and the subsidies they will give will only be available the day before to the press at a preview in Auckland.

Since it's only a couple of days towards the end of the month Kiwis should be receiving the free SIM cards with $5 prepaid credit soon for those who signed-up for their promotional Chinwag event.

2degrees have been keeping their cards close to their chest so we have no indication what mobiles they will be carrying so we can't do much but speculate. Personally, I'm hoping for a nice surprise with a great line of smartphones (Palm Pre or HTC Hero?) when they launch.

Source: Digital Kiwi