Te reo goes mobile

Saturday 1 August 2009, 5:48PM

By Georgina Te Heuheu


Up to forty (40) te reo Mori audio phrases and words can now be downloaded to mobile phones.

Associate Minister of Mori Affairs Georgina te Heuheu this morning launched Maori Television's Mori language application for mobile phones. m.Mori is a Mori Language Week initiative embracing new technologies to disseminate and promote te reo Maori to as wide an audience as possible.

Recent research shows that television is used by a significant number of people wanting to access Mori language and cultural content.

However, the study commissioned by Te Puni Kokiri and the Ministry for Culture and Heritage also concludes that newer and emerging technologies, particularly cell phones and computers with internet access, are used by a large proportion of people and on a regular basis.

"Maori language and culture content must be readily accessible through a range of modern media and targeted at key demographic groups important for achieving language revitalisation," Mrs te Heuheu says.

"Young people especially are extensive users of devices such as mobile phones."

The launch of m.Mori highlights the role of broadcasters in ensuring te reo Maori content is linked to other language applications and services and Mrs te Heuheu congratulated Mori Television on seizing the initiative.

"m.Mori encourages all New Zealanders to learn and use the language. It does so in a fun way and is a practical example of this year's Mori Language Week theme of Mori language in the community," she said.

"This is targeted at young people, rangatahi in particular, but I like to think it is also targeted at people like me who think young."