Turia calls on rangatahi to get on the waka

Tariana Turia

Monday 3 August 2009, 8:14AM

By Tariana Turia


Tariana Turia is calling on Maori and Pasifika youth to take up the opportunities that will be created by the Government's $152 million investment in young people during the economic downturn.

"The Maori saying ‘ma mahi, ka ora' means ‘by work we prosper' and this is exactly what the Government is trying to achieve in what has to be a very significant effort in the history of this country to tackle rising youth unemployment," Mrs Turia, who is the minister responsible for Maori and Pacific peoples unemployment, said.

"We have to get on board this waka and seize the opportunities now that will give our young people the support, the training, and the foothold in the labour market that they need.

"Too many Maori and Pasifika youth have low or no qualification so it's good to know there's a place for them to take part in these investment initiatives."

The initiatives not only offered opportunities for employers and training providers, but also grassroots Maori and Pasifika groups - including marae and Maori land incorporations - focused on doing work that benefits their communities, Mrs Turia said.

Of the several initiatives being run, Mrs Turia said the Community Max and Job Ops schemes, in which up to 7000 employment opportunities could be created would likely appeal particularly to Maori and Pasifika youth and their communities.

Groups interested in Community Max and Job Ops should call 0800 778 008 or contact the closest Ministry of Social Development or Te Puni Kokiri office in their area.