Wanaka Operators Achieve Green Tourism Benchmark

Tuesday 18 August 2009, 1:48PM

By EveNZ



Twelve Wanaka tour operators have achieved Tourism New Zealand’s Qualmark Green rating for environmentally responsible tourism, including four attaining the highest possible Enviro-Gold ranking.

Accommodation providers Cardrona Terrace Estate, Edgewater Resort Hotel, Maple Lodge and Minaret Lodge gained the top standard within twelve months of the programme’s launch. All four are already highly rated under the existing Qualmark quality accreditation programme, setting them apart as among the best in New Zealand.

Operators gaining the Enviro-Silver award are Skydive Lake Wanaka, Treble Cone, Wanaka River Journeys, Wanaka Springs and Wanaka YHA while Classic Flights Ltd, Te Wanaka Lodge and Tiri Tiri Lodge are awarded the bronze rating.

Qualmark recognition also reflects the Otago resort town’s efforts in building an environmentally responsible tourism infrastructure. In particular, local organisation Sustainable Wanaka has led the country in a number of sustainable tourism initiatives.

Only two hundred tourism businesses nationwide achieved a Qualmark Green rating with a mere fifty reaching the Enviro-Gold standard. Operators are independently assessed in energy efficiency, waste reduction, water management, and involvement in conservation and community activities. They must provide evidence that they have processes and programmes in place to monitor and improve performance across these areas.

Lake Wanaka Tourism general manager James Helmore said, “More and more travellers are making decisions based on responsible tourism and environmental concerns. The ratings awarded to these twelve businesses demonstrate the benefits of embracing sustainable tourism and I congratulate them for helping to maintain the region’s international reputation as a pristine, year-round resort.”

Qualmark is New Zealand tourism’s official quality accreditation programme. The launch of Qualmark Green enviro-ratings last year made Qualmark the world’s first fully-integrated environmental and quality accreditation programme for tourism.

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