2025 Taskforce members appointed

Wednesday 19 August 2009, 8:12AM

By Rodney Hide


Minister of Regulatory Reform Rodney Hide today announced the appointment of four members of the 2025 Taskforce, charged with recommending ways to improve productivity and close the income gap with Australia.

Chaired by Dr Don Brash, the 2025 Taskforce will investigate the reasons for the decline in New Zealand's productivity performance over recent years.

Joining Dr Brash on the 2025 Taskforce are:

  • - Hon David Caygill: former Minister of Finance, current chair of the Electricity Commission, chair of the forthcoming ACC Review, and member of the Regulatory Responsibility Taskforce
  • - Jeremy Moon: founder and chief executive of Icebreaker and chair of Better by Design, a unit within New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
  • _ Judith Sloan: Commissioner (part-time) at the Australian Productivity Commission and Commissioner at the Australian Fair Pay Commission
  • - Dr Bryce Wilkinson: Director of Capital Economics, with 12 years experience in public policy analysis at the Treasury and 12 years with an investment bank

"I am very pleased to have secured such high calibre people for the 2025 Taskforce," Mr Hide said. "From their wide experience they will provide valuable insights into the work of this important body.

"The establishment of the taskforce was a key component in the ACT-National confidence and supply agreement, reflecting the importance we place on working to close the income gap with Australia. That income gap is one of the reasons we lose so many talented, hard-working New Zealanders every year."

The Taskforce will provide an initial report in November 2009. Mr Hide said that report will identify the policy settings and changes that will deliver the productivity growth necessary for a stronger, more prosperous economy. Further progress reports will then be provided in 2010 and 2011.