Skaters, help us design Flat Bushs new skatepark

Thursday 3 September 2009, 12:16PM

By Manukau City Council



Manukau City Council is building a new premier skatepark at Barry Curtis Park and is inviting the community, especially skaters, to provide input in the design.  Isthmus Group will design the proposed skatepark based on feedback from potential users.


A website ( has been set up to encourage Manukau youth to send in their ideas and feedback. 


During consultation Isthmus Group will post surveys, questions, and photos of skateparks from around the world on this site. The designers want Manukau’s up-and-coming skaters to rate various international skateparks and tell them what they think. 


Isthmus will also keep visitors posted on any changes via this website, Twitter and Facebook. 


The skatepark plans follow requests from young people living in Botany and Flat Bush to progress the building of the skatepark.   This is their opportunity to have some input into the look and feel of the park.


Consultation closes on 16 October. For more information and to have your say visit