Strong arm tactics for local pub in Gallagher Great Race week

Monday 14 September 2009, 12:58PM

By Rowing New Zealand



The Old Loaded Hog pub and restaurant in Hamilton is flexing its muscles for this year’s Gallagher Great race on September 27th by renaming itself The Rowers Arms for the week before the big race.


The pub – which will be completely refurbished after the race – will act as a base for the event and is planning a host of rowing-themed events to tie in with the rowing clash between Oxford and Waikato Universities.


There will be a ‘Dine with the crew’ evening as well as a Legends Party and a Legends Brunch – which organisers hope will bring out the rowing stars of today as well as yesteryear. There will also be live coverage of both the men’s and women’s races on the Sunday, and a major party on the Sunday evening to celebrate with the winners and share the ‘what ifs’ with the losers. Guests can even try their hand at the sport with the Indoor Rowing event on September 25th.


Everyone is welcome to pop in for a drink or two during race week and it is hoped there may be a surprise appearance or two by some of the athletes who won World Championship gold medals in Europe last month.


“It’s the first time we have actually had a themed and named pub as part of the promotion for the event, but the fact is that everyone likes to either have a drink before the race and predict who is going to win or have a drink after the race and talk about the rowing, so having the Rowers Arms on board fits together nicely with everything we are planning,” said event co-organiser Rob Hamill.



The Rowers Arms


19 September – The Rowers Arms Official Opening Party, (aka The Loaded Hog), Hood St,


21-23 September – Dine with the crews, The Rowers Arms, Hood St, Hamilton

25 September – Indoor Row, The Rowers Arms, Hood St, Hamilton

26 September – Waterford Birth Centre Fun Run & Walk 26 September

– Legends Party, The Rowers Arms, Hood St, Hamilton

27 September – Legends Brunch, The Rowers Arms, Hood St, Hamilton

- The Gallagher Great Race, Grantham St, Hamilton

- Victory Party, The Rowers Arms, Hood St, Hamilton