Donations Board will Help Boost Pool Project

Thursday 24 September 2009, 12:48PM

By Kaipara District Council


ASB Bank�s Serena Carran shows off the new pool donations board
ASB Banks Serena Carran shows off the new pool donations board Credit: Kaipara District Council


There is now another way to help make Dargaville's new 50 metre pool a success.

A new donations board which allows people to buy 'cubic meters of water' in support of the project has been set up outside Dargaville's ASB Bank, and local swimming enthusiast Janet Froggatt has got the ball rolling with an impressive $500.00 contribution.

"We are absolutely stoked with Janet's generosity. She is challenging others in the community to better her figure so it's all on," says Kauri Coast Community Pool Trust Chairman Vern Stevens.

One hundred dollars buys you one 'cubic meter of water', and each is recorded on the donations board with the name of the purchaser. "The pool will hold 1,000 cubic meters of water, so there's plenty of room for everyone to get in and help," says Mr Stevens. "The donations board is a nice way to represent the scale of the project and publicly thank those who contribute."

If you think you can beat Janet's figure, or want to make a donation of any kind, just call into the ASB Bank in Victoria Street. The friendly team will be more than happy to help you out, and the Trust is appreciative of all donations.

"It is great to have such awesome support. Janet Froggatt has set the bar high with her donation and there are a lot of generous community minded people out there, so I am sure there will be more impressive donations to follow," says Mr Stevens.

"It is great to have the community really getting involved in making this pool a reality."