International media flock to WOW

Saturday 26 September 2009, 9:02PM

By Tourism New Zealand



Media from all over the world have travelled to New Zealand to cover this year’s Montana World of WearableArt™ Awards Show (WOW), which started in Wellington this week.

Tourism New Zealand’s international media team is working with journalists from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the US, India, Australia and Thailand who are in Wellington this weekend to see the show and conduct interviews.

While the media crews are in New Zealand, they will also be hosted on visits to see more of the country, which will help promote New Zealand as a visitor destination.

As part of its programme to build WOW’s international profile, Tourism New Zealand is also hosting a number of ‘VIPs’ to view the show.

One of Asia’s top entertainers Mr Tsai Kang Yung was invited by Tourism New Zealand to be an international guest judge.

Tsai Kang Yung is one of Taiwan’s top television presenters and his TV shows and blogs are seen by millions of people in Mainland China and Taiwan each week. His blog on has accumulated more than 30 million page views.

Andrew Bolton is a curator at The Costume Institute at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

Rajesh Pratap Singh is one of India’s most well-known designers and is part of the Executive Management Team at the Fashion Design Council of India.

Tourism New Zealand has been working with WOW as a primary sponsor since 2001, having spotted its potential to become a world-class event.

"WOW is an amazing spectacle and a unique annual event that we can invite media from our major markets to come down and see for themselves," said Tourism New Zealand Chief Executive George Hickton.

"The coverage of this event will reach millions of people across the world and that is a great opportunity for us to maximise exposure for New Zealand in a cost-effective way," he added.

Media wishing to interview the VIPs should contact:
Cas Carter on 021 915 410

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