Drivers of Abandoned Vehicles leave to Collect Cars
The first bus load of drivers evacuated from snowed-in State Highway Five last night have left Hukarere Girls College to collect the cars they abandoned in heavy snow last night.
One bus of 50 drivers has left and another two buses are preparing to leave.
Only people who were evacuated from between Eskdale and Mohaka are able to retrieve their vehicles at this stage.
All vehicles are returning to Napier as conditions are still too dangerous to allow people to continue through to Taupo.
Farmers and other residents in snowed in areas who require medical assistance or other emergency assistance should contact Hastings District Council on ph. 871 5000 or call 111.
Senior Sergeant Andy Sloan of Napier police says some locals have been trying to get onto SH5 from side roads, but they are being turned back.
"It's important that everyone in the area stay off the roads and not venture out unless it is absolutely necessary," Senior Sergeant Sloan says.
"The last thing we need is for more vehicles and people to get stuck or stranded in what continues to be cold and wet conditions."
Heavy snow is still falling in the area and Police have advised the Napier-Taupo Highway will potentially remain closed for other drivers for the rest of the day.
Hastings Civil Defence Controller Mike Maguire says until the weather improves and all abandoned vehicles are cleared the road will remained closed.
All trapped passengers along State Highway Five have been evacuated from their vehicles but some people are still remaining at Te Pohue, Te Haroto and Tarawera.
Comprehensive list of people who have been evacuated are being compiled by both Hastings and Taupo emergency centres.
People wanting to check on the welfare of family travelling the highway can call either Hastings District Council ph. 871 5000 or Taupo on ph. 0800 275 832.