Minister Praises Community Response to Emergency Conditions

Tariana Turia

Wednesday 7 October 2009, 11:24AM

By Tariana Turia


Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Tariana Turia has praised the sterling efforts of community volunteers which have been demonstrated to the fore during the recent hazardous weather conditions.


“Behind the scenes of the massive effort coordinated by the Police, the Army and Civil Defence, community volunteers and organisations have been working hard to ensure stranded motorists and travellers were taken care of”.


“I have seen some of the coverage of marae throughout Napier, Taupo and Central North Island, who have literally welcomed hundreds in over the last few days”.


“They have kept people warm, fed and sheltered while the travellers wait for the roads to open”.


“I am aware of other groups who have risen to the challenge – the Taupo 4WD club helped in the rescue mission; local schools opened their kitchens to keep the hot drinks and food coming, and the wider community responded to the challenge of finding temporary accommodation, in a time of course when school holidays are already placing pressure on local capacity”.


“It is both humbling and heartening to see the community respond with such generosity during periods of chaos” said Mrs Turia.


“It represents to me the essence of manaakitanga – to place other’s needs ahead of your own, and to ensure all visitors are made welcome through the hospitality extended to them”.


Media Contact: Renee Kiriona – 04 817 8257 or 021 190 6955