Health warning: Tiraumea Reserve, Pakuranga

Manukau City Council

Thursday 8 October 2009, 11:18AM

By Manukau City Council



Manukau City Council is warning visitors to Tiraumea Reserve in Pakuranga of a potential health hazard.

People are advised not to handle any dead or dying birds, avoid bird droppings, and not to feed birds in the reserve, following a confirmation of infection in the birds.

There may be dead or dying birds in this reserve due to an infection called Chalmydophila psittaci (psittacosis) in the wild Malay-spotted doves at the reserve, says Biran Singh, Manager Heritage, Manukau Parks.

“There is a low risk that the infection may be caught by people through close contact with bird droppings or sick birds.

“However, infants, the elderly, and those already sick are at greater risk.

“We are advising people to wash their hands and footwear thoroughly after visiting the reserve. If they develop flu-like symptoms and a cough, they should see their doctor immediately and mention their contact with birds dying from psittacosis.

“The council is installing signs in the reserve with health alert. Pakuranga community board has been advised, and local residents are being informed.

“The council is also taking steps to clean the reserve by removing dead birds.”

Please call Manukau City Council (262 5104) to seek urgent removal of dead birds.