Top citizens honoured

Thames Coromandel District Council

Tuesday 20 October 2009, 12:47PM

By Thames Coromandel District Council



Recipients of the 2009 Thames-Coromandel District Council Community Service and Youth Community Awards will be honoured for their service at an award presentation next Tuesday evening.


Nominees were considered by a special committee of Thames-Coromandel District Council (TCDC).


"The Community Service and Youth Community Awards are our way of saying thank you to some of these special people and allowing their inspirational stories to motivate others," said Mayor Philippa Barriball.


Thames' Graeme Pearce will be presented with a Community Service Award and Whangamata's Bryan Jackson has already been presented with his Community Service Award at a special ceremony held in Whangamata at Moana House in August, just prior to his passing away.


Awards will also be presented to the two recipients of the Youth Community Awards - Whangamata's Sarah Appleby and Whitianga's Juliet Whale.


The 2009 Community Service and Youth Community Awards will begin at 5.30 pm on 27 October with riveting inspirational Guest Speaker, Marcus Akuhata-Brown - a gifted communicator focussed on the learning and developmental needs of youth.


Members of the public wishing to attend should contact TCDC Governance Support Officer Isobel Maddox on 07 868 0200.