Ultra-fast broadband a step closer
Wednesday 21 October 2009, 5:01PM
By Enable Networks
New Zealand is another step closer to bringing ultra-fast fibre broadband technology to more than 75% of New Zealanders.
Today, Information and Communications Minister Steven Joyce released an ‘Invitation to Participate’ (ITP) in its ultra-fast fibre broadband initiative to potential private sector partners.
Enable Networks Chief Executive Steve Fuller believes the government initiative to invest in ultra-fast broadband fibre infrastructure will have significant benefits for Christchurch and New Zealand.
“The ITP document we received today aligns well with our current investment plans, which will see our network deployed to all Christchurch businesses, schools and health organisations in the next two years,” he says. “We will be dedicating all of our resources to put in the best bid possible to ensure Christchurch is the first city to receive ultra-fast fibre broadband in New Zealand.
“Fibre is critical to the future of New Zealand’s infrastructure and just as electricity did last century, it will revolutionise the way we live. It will enable us to connect to the rest of the world, which means we can compete in international economies proving distance is no longer a barrier to business success.”
Proposals to participate in the partner selection process must be lodged with the Ministry of Economic Development by 29 January 2010.
Enable Networks Background
Enable Networks is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Christchurch City Council. Its goal is to provide an ultra-fast fibre optic network of up to 100 megabits per second in Christchurch.
Enable Networks has committed to a $36million dollar investment to expand the ultra-fast fibre optic network. Many local businesses, as well as health organisations and schools, already utilise Enable Networks’ world-class ultra-fast fibre optic cabling.
The $36million investment will expand the service to more than 85% of businesses in Christchurch over the next two years, making Christchurch a more attractive location for business.
Enable Networks is one of the few network providers in New Zealand that provides its fibre on an ‘open access’ basis. Any organisation can purchase the use of Enable Networks’ fibre on similar terms. This stimulates open competition and innovation.
In essence, it is Enable Networks’ business to provide communication and IT service providers with the infrastructure they need to enable value-adding services to the customer.