Internet Speed/Cost Chart Shows We're Faster Than Australia But More Expensive Than Them.

Tuesday 27 October 2009, 8:05AM

By Benedict James Wee


Shown here is a chart of the 20 top nations in the ITIF Broadband Rankings compared by cost, speed and broadband penetration rate.

Average speed-wise, we seemed to have lost out to first world nations like the US, Canada, UK and a big portion of Europe, coming up in 22nd place though we fared better than those across the Tasman.

Australia does beat us in price however, and so does most of the rest of the world as we fall into the $10-20 price per month category for 1mbps.

Despite the high cost, It's good to see that we've got a healthy broadband penetration rate, coming up to the 80% mark alongside Australia and the UK. 

Source: Digital Kiwi.