Turia commends Bay council on smoking ban

Tariana Turia

Friday 30 October 2009, 8:28AM

By Tariana Turia



Tariana Turia has commended a move by the Western Bay of Plenty District Council to ban smoking on 30 beaches in its district.

"Banning smoking in public spaces not only makes it harder for smokers to light up but it helps reduce youth uptake of smoking," Mrs Turia said.

"The district council's unanimous decision to introduce the smoking bans is a reflection of its good community leadership and role modelling," Mrs Turia said.

Popular holiday spots including Waihi, Maketu and Athenree beaches will now become smokefree under the council's decision along with public halls, land around the halls, playgrounds, parks, sports fields, skate parks and reserves in the western Bay of Plenty area which covers Waihi, Katikati, Kaimai, Te Puke and Maketu.

"No doubt the council will have issues policing the ban, but the main point is that they have taken the first step toward making public spaces more safer and healthier for our children and families. And for that, I take my hat off to them."

There is some evidence that smoking in crowded outdoor areas, such as restaurant patios, can lead to harmful levels of second hand smoke exposure.