Turia commends commitment to bring services closer to the people

Tariana Turia

Thursday 5 November 2009, 10:01AM

By Tariana Turia


Associate Minister of Health, Hon Tariana Turia, is excited about the proposed next steps in implementing the Government’s new approach to primary health care.

“The range of expertise and experience represented across all nine successful expression of interest (EOI) proposals is to be commended”, said Mrs Turia.

“It is pleasing to see the extent to which providers have built on their successes, and have been prepared to take a leadership role, to have a go”.

“I am glad that the national Mori PHO coalition, and the Health + Alliance PHOs have been recognised for their capabilities in responding to the diverse needs of Mori, and Pasifika communities”.

“However, I will be keeping a close eye on the progress across all nine proposals, to ensure that each of the business cases takes into account the needs of Mori, Pasifika, low income and people with disabilities”.

“I am pleased that our rural communities are also included in the mix”.

“This is a significant development, and I want to acknowledge the commitment of these providers to bring services closer to the people”.

“This has been an intensive time across the health sector, with all the changes afoot, and I recognise the mammoth efforts made by everyone in putting an EOI proposal in”. I urge the unsuccessful providers to continue to work with their communities and district health boards to progress their proposals.

I commend the work of the nine successful providers in their proposals by working collaboratively and cooperatively with other providers and look forward to seeing how these proposals can be implemented.

The nine successful EOI proposals are:
- Canterbury Clinical Network
- Greater Auckland Integrated Health Network
- Health + Alliance PHO
- Kawerau PHO
- MidCentral PHOs
- Midland Network
- National Maori PHO Coalition
- Wairarapa Community PHO
- West Coast PHO