Proposed Roundabout Construction

Tararua District Council

Thursday 5 November 2009, 11:41AM

By Tararua District Council



A new Roundabout is planned for the intersection of Denmark Street and Miller Street Dannevirke. This will look similar to the existing roundabouts on Queen Street.

It will be trialled for six months to see if it improves traffic safety, and forms part of the heavy traffic diversion asked for in the Long Term Plan. The roundabout will replace the stop controls on Miller Street, which some drivers have ignored leading to crashes.

The roundabout will have a mountable kerb block ring with a concrete centre to allow any larger vehicles to drive over the centre if they need a larger turning circle. As all entrances to the roundabout will be giveway controlled, drivers are reminded to give way to all traffic to the right, and to traffic already on the roundabout.

Some drainage work, as well as kerbing and footpath design, at the intersection will be altered slightly but this should not impede the flow of pedestrian traffic. In fact, pedestrian traffic will benefit from the design, making it easier and safer to cross at the intersection.

As part of the public consultation process Tararua District Council Engineering Services welcomes any feedback on the proposed roundabout, as well as any concerns the public may have.