Award points to strong youth participation in economy

Saturday 7 November 2009, 8:38AM

By Georgina Te Heuheu


Pacific peoples' strong future participation in the economy was foreshadowed by Pacific Island Affairs Minister Georgina te Heuheu at last night's award ceremony for the Lion Foundation's Young Enterprise Scheme (YES).

Mrs te Heuheu presented her Ministry's award for Excellence in Pasifika Business to Aorere College's SECURE. Their winning product was a military style tag necklace promoting sexually responsible choices to help prevent teenage pregnancy.

SECURE scored highly with their company's annual report and they were also selected on the strength of the partnerships they established with youth, community and local health organisations.

Their ability to develop and market a product with a positive social message which appealed to youth from a fashionable perspective was a deciding factor, Mrs te Heuheu said.

"The YES programme provides a strong platform to help make young Pacific peoples' future participation in the economy a strong possibility. This is important for all New Zealanders," she said.

"Aorere College's winning SECURE team is a stunning example of what can be done and the members are to be congratulated along with their school, their families and their communities.

"I am told Pacific participation in the YES programme has grown strongly by 200% over the last five years.

"Given the youthful structure of the Pacific population, that is very encouraging.

"It is in the interest of all New Zealanders that Pacific young people are equipped to play a leading role in the future of our country."

Mrs te Heuheu congratulated the Young Enterprise Trust and the Lion Foundation for recognising the importance of making the programme available to all schools across New Zealand.

"It is important that all young people feel they have the opportunity to test their creativity, their energy and their talents against some of the best in the country.

"The Young Enterprise Scheme offers those opportunities," she said.