Need A Special Licence? Apply Now
“If you are thinking about obtaining a Special Licence over the holiday period now is the time to apply to the District Licensing Agency (DLA),” Tararua liquor licensing inspector Clayton Locke advises.
The Sale of Liquor Act provided a timeframe of 20 days to process applications and in many instances this could take the full 20 days, he said.
“Effectively this means that you should file your application at least one month before the date that you require the special licence. This period needs to be doubled if the police or the district licensing inspector object to the application as it will then need to go a public hearing.”
Even if they do not oppose the application police and the district licensing Inspector are required to report on all applications.
A Special Licence is required by the public if the event where liquor is sold, supplied or is BYO is to be held in a venue such as a community hall, public area or any area where a liquor ban is in place.
A licensee requires a Special Licence if the events are outside the existing On, Off or Club licence conditions. If a retailer or winery is intending to sell liquor at an event such as trade show or expo then a special licence is also required.
To assist both police and the district licensing inspector in making their reports the application form is designed to capture as much information as possible about the event
Missing information will mean that the application may not be issued in time for the event.
“Also remember that it is the applicant’s responsibility to follow up on the application,” reminds Mr Locke.
“Don’t leave it to the DLA to get in touch with you because once again you may find that your application may not be received on time.”
A decision to run an event without the special licence could lead to enforcement action being taken - the immediate shutting down of the event and or prosecution for example.
All Liquor related Application forms are available on-line at the council’s website or from any of the four District Council Service Centres.