Transport agency needs to deliver locally

Friday 20 November 2009, 5:43PM

By Manukau City Council



The structure for the new Auckland Transport Agency needs to be clearer on how transport services will be delivered to local communities, Manukau Mayor Len Brown says.

“It is also unclear yet what the government’s role will be, the nature of the transport agency board and the extent of the Auckland Council’s influence on the agency.

“Up to half of councils’ spending is on transport, Manukau has a history of strong links into the community and then delivering the projects they need. We don’t want to lose that.

“I’m not a supporter of a separate transport agency, but the discussion document released today by the Auckland Transitional Authority gives us more clarity about where things are heading. It shows a similar structure to the one proposed for the Auckland Council.

“The difference is that the transport structure splits the organisation into operating, infrastructure and finance areas. However the local delivery areas seem to be a bit underdone.

“Having local board engagement reporting to the chief executive’s office is welcomed, because maintaining local links will be vital.

“But what is more important is how things like road maintenance and upgrades, footpath maintenance and road safety are delivered at a local level. These are the things that the community experiences every day.

“I’m also still concerned about getting the relationship between the Auckland Council and the transport agency right. We need to make sure the Auckland Council has the power to get the agency to deliver on the community’s vision for transport, it’s not clear yet how it will do that.

“Most structures can work, having the right leadership and culture is the key. This structure can work and the signals that the Auckland Transport Agency will be customer focused and collaborative are positive,” Mr Brown says.